I wanted to sit down and write a few words on this particular subject, Motherhood. I have felt strongly about it for a while now. Probably because Im not yet the greatest at this task, but it truely is the most rewarding calling I have ever had.

Yesterday for YW at church my girls gave the lesson on "Our divine rolls." the lesson had a lot to do with motherhood and daughters of God. I particularly loved how they baked cinnamon rolls, it was pretty darn cute. If your wondering why my girls gave the lesson, its because the bishop brick has asked that the girls pair up in 2's and give the lesson once a month-FABULOUS IDEA! The lesson went great and so many thoughts flooded my mind that I wanted to share in this family journal.

It has been almost 3 years that I have been a mom in Zion. This is the one thing I have always wanted to be besides a wife, a hair stylist, a daughter, a friend....I have always wanted to be a mom. When Nick and I were first married I told him, "I dont know when we'll have a baby, but all I know is its soon." 9 months later we found out we were pregnant with our first Little boy, and on June 15-06 McCoy Bitner was born.
Its true that while you are pregnant with your first born the jitters settle in and you begin to wonder "How do I do this?" For me it was different. I did have some confusion but for some reason, even while I was pregnant my instincts kicked in pretty stronly. As soon as McCoy was born and put into my arms the spirit just told me what to do. The instincts were there. I knew what McCoy needed and when I didnt....Nick did! His fatherly instincts were just as ordained as mine were and together we made a family.
As time went by through the months the spirit just kept telling me what to do next. I knew it was the spirit because with out the spirit I wouldnt be able to accomplish motherhood---its like having a glove but no hand to put in it..... Becauase of my calling as a mom I have been blessed with inspiration. Inspiration on how to feed my family, inspiration on how to soothe a colic baby, inspiration how to heal a rash, inspiration how to calm a troubled mind......there have been many times that the spirit of the Lord has helped me in this calling.
I have felt the Lords help even in my saddest times. There have been times when my little boy has been hurting, starving or aching and I didnt know what to do. In those desperate times I have called on my husband, McCoy's father to offer up his blessing to help our little boy. Its not just me that completes this family, I most certainly could not do it wiht out my eternal companion along with me. He has defiantly had to fill in plenty of gaps that I just could not do and trust me, one of those gaps includes a quilt for our soon to arrive little baby girl! Motherhood can be accomplished with out a spouse, i've seen it done. In my case though, until I have to, I cannot live with out Nick. He makes motherhood more do-able for me at this time-a more pleasant experience.

Its true when they say that things just happen. I remember receiving my Patriarticle blessing at the age of 16. As a teenager in high school, hearing the words of food storage, sewing, canning, family home evening, having children etc etc.... didnt exactly excite me. I remember being scared to think that one day i'd actually have to bare and have kids, that sounded painful. I remember being scared that i'd actually have to learn how to sew, that didnt sound fun, it sounded boaring. Now that my mindset has matured I can see the benefits of all these skills and Im finally having a desire to put them to use. Since then I have already carried and given birth to my first child. It was a great experience to see the veil very thin and be given the gift of being able to give birth to my very own. Im proud to say that I will be doing it again here shortly, only this time to a little girl. Just recently a great friend of mine has shown me the skill of sewing and it has turned into an enjoyable thing for me. Again, my mindset has matured and changed. I believe the Lord has timing for everything. Had any of these experiences happened any sooner or later for me, my experiences maybe wouldnt have been as sweet as they were to me when they happened? I dont know, but the Lord has great timing.

I grew up with 2 mom's inparticularly that made such a big impression on me as divine roles of mothers. Mashelle Nielson and Laura Bodrero. Both these mothers in my life were again, divine. Mashelle was the kind to pop popcorn, make dinner, bring out the candy and make smoothies when I or ANYONE would sleep over with her daughters. I lived with the Nielson family for a short period of time and in that time is when I decided that I wanted to be a mom just like Mashelle. Mashelle would scratch my back and talk to me before bed time--spoiled? To me,Yes, but to her it was just a way of love and affection of how she liked to close her day with her children. Luckily I was considered one of her own and still am. Laura Bodrero is a wonderful role model as well. Growing up she and her family lived behind us and every summer she knocked on our back door with fresh veggies and fruit from her garden in one hand, and home made bread or a treat from her veggies or fruit (like Zuchinni bread) in the other. She had and still has the kindest soft voice and offers so much love through her hugs. As I had my first born she gave me a hand made towel for McCoy, something I will always keep and admire about her. No matter what Laura has always had such concern for me and my family growing up and I take memories of her and also want to be like her in so many ways. Again, these 2 great women are such admired mothers and they both paved a way to show me how great loving Motherhood is accomplished.
I take these great women in my life and see them and am grateful for the impact they had in the years I have known them. Both of them remind me of the faithful mothers mentioned in the Book Of Mormon, Always giving service, always loving others and always magnifying their calling as mothers. I see them and I want to be just like them. I want to put my family first in everything I do-nothing else. I want to take in and shelter those in need--Mashelle has nurtured and cared for others than just her own. I want to be soft and gentle and not raise a finger or my voice (still have a lot of work to do to accomplish this one) because aside everything else I feel like this one example that they have both set has been the best way they have taken care of thier kids and family-is their soft toned voice that never yelled.
My mom had much to bring to the table as well. She had so much to admire about her. She lived for her kids growing up. Everything she did was to better her family. I still can remember her meals that made dinner time complete. I remember how gentle she became when she knew her family needed her the most. I also remember things about her that belong to just her ways of discipline, her jokes, her ways of doing the laundry, the way she celebrated birthdays and holidays......all of which made up of her ways of Motherhood. She will always stand as a great example for me to remember and live by.

Motherhood is a continuous learning process. Im grateful that the second McCoy was born that the responsiblity has been and will be never ending. I knew this. I knew that when I married Nick I would be his and he would be mine forever, never ending. I knew that when McCoy was born that not only was I Nick's wife forever, but that I just gained the title of being a Mother forever as well. Its such a great feeling. I love my job. I love that I wake up to cook, clean, bathe, soothe, nurture, feed, pamper and even discipline every single day. Its never easy-never. When the times get tough it puts a whole other meaning to the word motherhood. But like tonight, when your babies kiss you and tell you they love you is when the Lord shows you that Your doing your job right and that he is proud of your hard work. The Lord knows its not a smoothe easy ride and that is why he sends you examples and resources to help you. I would have never thought that 8 years ago the night Mashelle tickled my back and talked to me as I fell asleep would be something I would want carry on to my kids.

Something I have noticed for myself is that a prayer at the very wakening of my day helps me through anything I go through as a mom and even as a wife for that day being. The Lord gave women this sacred calling- and with it comes so much inspiration and personal dealings with our Heavenly Father because he knows that we are dealing with his most recently sent down spirits-therefore he wants them nurtured and cared for by and with only the best. Heavenly Father wants us to be good mothers. He wants us to accomplish having children, be a wife and having a family of your own. He wants us to learn how to take care of a family and take care of others who perhaps dont have a motherly figure or family. He wants us to learn the skills of sewing, cooking, healing, comforting, loving, decorating, baking and providing- all of which are qualities that make up a loving Mother in a home. I Hope I can always try my hardest to have a good attitude about my calling as a mom and a wife. I want my family and children to take it with them and I hope I set an example that will carry on as they grow and have families of thier own. After writing this entry down, I hope to start right now to be more prayerful and diligent as a mother and a wife. I know how sacred this calling is and I know it is a priveledge. It is forever full time, not ever a part time duty. I want to commit to never putting my motherly duties aside for anything less than my own special children and family. I will be a mother forever, even when I am old. I see the Lords hand in my daily doings and I cant help but be grateful for my membership in this Gospel because I truely know that without it, I would still be a great mom, but I cant guarentee that I would be my best. My membership in this church, my relationship with my Father in Heaven and my calling as a mother all go hand in hand, and I couldnt do one without the other.


"Learn a great lesson. A mother's love and concern never ceases-nor should it."

"A mother has a far greater influence on her children than anyone else, and she must realize that every word she speaks, every act, every response, her attitude, even her appearance and manner of dress affect the lives of her children and the whole family. It is while the child is in the home that he /she gains from his mother the attitudes, hopes and beliefs that will determine the kind of life he/she will live and the contribution he will make to society."

"In the soft and gentle arms of a mother's love, children can come to know the voice of the Lord."

"Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest serveice to be assumed by mankind."

"the spiritual rewards of motherhood are available to all women. Nurturing the oung, comforting the frightened, protecting the vulnerable, teaching and giving encouragement need not-and should not be limited to our own children."

"There is nothing more beautiful, no picture more lovely, than that of a mother wiht her daughters."


Jessica GaleForce said...

I think you have a great perspective on motherhood. I also had other mothers. People that I looked up to and aspired to be like when I myself became a mother. Great Post!!