We talked about how we are blessed to have angels around us, and how if we are living as we are supposed to, we can receive the blessings of having the guidance of the angels. When we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, we receive revelation, or guidance from the Holy Ghost, which is directed by the Lord, to give us the help daily in which we need. When we are living and trying to live a life that the spirit can dwell, we are also prompted by angels to make right decisions, as well as help us to physically do or not do the things we may not know we either are, or aren't supposed to do.
In our class we shared some amazing stories of personal experiences when angels helped guide us, we've all had times were we feel that we have had experiences like that, and it is always important to share and remember them, who are we to tell if they aren't? and who are we to deny it?
In Elder Holland's talk he talks about why it is important to have faith in the Lord, and in the angels among us, Elder Holland reminds us that "I ask everyone within the sound of my voice to take heart, be filled with faith, and remember the Lord has said He “would fight [our] battles, [our] children’s battles, and [the battles of our] children’s children."
Once again, faith is brought into play, which is a very common thread throughout the gospel, one that ties the binds, of everything we know. Through our faith in the Lord, and our diligence we are able to receive these blessings.
About 4-5 years ago, I was on my way home from work, on the freeway, and i was an elderly lady on the side of the freeway with a flat tire, I saw her far enough ahead that i was able to notice that no one had stopped, and that she had been there for long enough not to know what she was doing, i pulled off the freeway to offer my assistance, as I approached, the lady came to me with open arms repeating "you are an angel! I prayed for an angel and here you are!"

while we spoke, she told me that she was from a small town called Lemmington, and I told her that I had used to live in Delta, and that my family was from there (Lemmington is on the way to Delta and only like 15 miles away from each other). She asked me who my grandmother was, I told her Leona Riding was my grandma and she got all excited "Oh, Leona is one of my dearest friends!" this lady and my grandma were great friends for many years, and here I am changing her tire! We talked about my grandma alongside the freeway for a few more minutes, I had finished the tire, and she wanted to pay me, I told her I couldn't receive payment, but she insisted, I refused once more, she then asked me for her address, she was in the process of writing a short story of her father who served in the war, so she wanted to send me a copy. A few months later, i received a package with a book she had written, and inside the front page said:
"to my guardian angel."
I share this story not to brag or feel good about myself, but I do it, because, we don't know when people's prayers will be answered, nor do we know by who they will come, we also don't know if WE are the ones that the Lord has chosen to be his angel, and it is so important to live in the Lord's light so that we can be that beacon of service.
So when we are driving down the road and we see people stranded, or when we see someone needing even the smallest help, remember that we may be that opportunity to help them in more ways than they or we realize, and we could in fact, be doing the Lord's work. I am humbled by this story as i hope you too, can somehow learn and grow from it. Thank you, and love you always,
Nick Jarvis
So when we are driving down the road and we see people stranded, or when we see someone needing even the smallest help, remember that we may be that opportunity to help them in more ways than they or we realize, and we could in fact, be doing the Lord's work. I am humbled by this story as i hope you too, can somehow learn and grow from it. Thank you, and love you always,
Nick Jarvis
I too feel that you have to be quiet and listen to those blessed promptings of the Spirit! It is through those promptings that our greatest work is accomplished!
I have to tell you that I was recently having a really bad day and after reading your posts on faith, found my faith again. I sent your blog to several family and friends through email (hope that is okay), because they touched me so much!
Rachel, thanks for your great support, i'm happy to hear that this is helping you, it helps me to know that it serves others. Feel free to send anyone this way!
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