Nephi begins the record of his people—Lehi sees in vision a pillar of fire and reads from a book of prophecy—He praises God, foretells the coming of the Messiah, and prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem—He is persecuted by the Jews. About 600 B.C.

1 Nephi Chapter 1 (click link to go to chapter) starts off talking about Nephi, who is the youngest son of father and mother; and Sariah.
Nephi has 3 older siblings; Laman, Lemuel, and Sam.

Nephi was born of goodly parents, in which he was taught Egyptian which was his father (Lehi's) language. By being raised with the knowledge of God, he was able to make a record of his proceedings. The language of his father (Lehi) consisted of the learning of the Jews, and the language of the Egyptians.

learn more about Nephi's language

Nephi writes of in the time of the first year of the reign of Zedekiah, the king of Judah (600 B.C.) and in that year, there were many prophets telling people that they must repent of Jerusalem must be destroyed.

Why did Nephi write this book?

Lehi went to pray to the lord for his people and was answered with a pillar of fire on a rock, which scared him, but helped him feel the spirit in which he went back home to Jerusalem. (8) By having felt so strong of the spirit, he was cast away in a vision where he saw God on his throne, surrounded by numberless concourses of angels singing praise of the Lord.
lehi saw in his vision One "descending out of the midst of heaven, and he beheld that his luster was above that of the sun at noon-day." as well as twelve others following him, and their brightness was that of the stars. The angels(apostles) came to Lehi and gave him a book and bade him to read, in which he did and was filled with the spirit of the Lord.

While and after reading the book, he felt very compelled to let the people of Jerusalem know of their afflictions, and abominations, and they by their actions Jerusalem should be destroyed, and the inhabitants should perish by the sword, and that many should be carried away to Babylon.

Lehi felt the spirit and was compelled to tell the people, and prophesy and tell them of all the things in which they were doing wrong and what was going to happen. Only to have the Jews Mock and tease him of the things in which he spoke of. Lehi made the people upset and they became very angry to where they sought out to kill Lehi.
Things to think about:

1) As far as what we are taught, we are taught to stand up for what we believe in, and we are taught that if we truly want and believe in something, than we need to stand up and be strong and fight for our beliefs; in our world today we (Mormons) are being persecuted at a what seems like an alarming rate, in schools, and in our work, and in our communities we are put to the test everyday to stand up for our beliefs. But the question is, what are we doing to stand up? is setting an example the only way we can put our heels to the dirt and be strong?

2) What are appropriate ways that we can be solid members of our faith, and protect what it is that we believe in?

3) How are we like Nephi/Lehi? what characteristics do we have that we see in them?

4) After reading this, what did you learn? and how can you imply it to your own life?


Nick Jarvis said...

1: I think we are definitely working hard to be stronger in our faith, I think the key is to stand up and not let people bash our beliefs, one key, is when someone is talking bad about your beliefs, in any shape or form, it's obviously best to walk away.

2: We can be solid by staying true to our promise to the Lord, and by utilizing our strengths and gifts.

3: I think we are like Nephi/Lehi where we are put in situations where we need to listen to the Lord and follow his promptings.

4: I definitely need to become stronger, and I need to remember that one day, soon perhaps, we will be also prompted to drop everything and follow the Lord. But we must treat even the things we have now, as just that; things, and not be like Laman and Lemuel and get burnt out at our moms and dads when we don't agree with their promptings.